Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Editor with a board !!!!

Today the sun was scorching hot for every New Yorkans. Sadly I went out in that heat. I can feel more hot as every week I try to shave my beautiful scalp and make my face bigger!!! But this is not my story about hair raising / hair loosing or how I find work or not or global warming. This is story about real life character I met today.  

Today after a long time I found myself fortunate editor than 40 year old editor who was standing outside apple store on 14th Street with cardboard. The board said " Looking for macbook pro with Final Cut Pro on it " HAHAAAAAA ( I talked with him he said his macbook book crashed and he works as freelancer from his laptop) When I left work in evening the editor was still standing with the board on his hand. People are getting crazier !!!! This implies many things. 1. He is an ethical person. He doesn't want pirated FCP . 2. He is dumb. 3. He has lot of time to stand in scortching heat. 4. He doesn't able to find work. He hasn't proved himself as an editor yet. 5. Market is so slow. 6. He just wants see people's reactions.